Sunday, April 10, 2011

Great is Thy Faithfulness

A little less than a year ago, my second family was ripped apart and sewn back together as closer, and stronger than before when we lost my precious mother-in-law Donna. As the weeks and months have past, I've learned to live with the hurt that never quite goes away. I still get mad at people who whine that their mother-in-laws are too nosy or bossy, because I would give anything to have her back in my life, even though she was anything but bossy or nosy.

Today I felt that all-too-familiar heartbreak again. 

Today we lost my sweet Aunt April. It was unexpected, and happened faster than I can believe. Even now, hours later, I still can't comprehend that she's gone. I'm sure it will take the rest of the week, and seeing the heartbreak in the eyes of my precious family before it really sinks in. 

I don't have the answers, and today I haven't even made it to the zen place of knowing that everything "happens for a reason." I know that God is in control, and I know that everything works together for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Please pray for my family during this time. April was an incredibly special woman. She took me to my first professional baseball game, and I have so many sweet memories of shopping trips and sleepovers.  I know she spent her first day in Heaven praising God and giving Him the glory. All I can do is strive to do the same here on earth and follow her example as a beautiful woman of God. 

The LORD'S loving kindnesses indeed never cease,

For His compassions never fail. 
They are new every morning;

Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


  1. I am sorry for your loss. Thinking of you in this difficult time.
